Importing or Exporting Checklist Items in Microsoft Excel

To save time while adding items to a checklist template, you can re-use checklist items from another template. Prolog Converge enables you to export checklist items from one template in a project or database and then import them into another.


To export checklist items

  1. Open the checklist template that you want to export as an Excel file.
  2. Click Export.
  3. The File Download dialog box is displayed.

  4. To open the file, click Open, or click Save to save it to your computer.

To import checklist items

  1. Open the checklist template to which you want to import checklist items.
  2. Click Browse to locate the Excel spreadsheet to import.
  3. Click Open.
  4. Click Import.
  5. The checklist items are imported into the template.

    Note: Existing checklist items in the checklist template are marked as deleted. You are asked to confirm deletion before the items are imported.

  6. To save the changes and keep the form open, click > Save.
  7. —Or—

    To save the changes and close the form, click > Save and Exit.

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